Lori Drew should have been punished for the suicide of Megan because she knew that she was cyberbullying maybe she didn't think that is was going to go that far but she caused Megan to want to harm herself by putting her down. It isn't something any parent wants to go through and she caused that pain to Megan's parents. She should be punished because it wasn't right for her to put down anyone to the point where they would want to harm themselves. The rules that i would set up for bullying would be a felony because when someone is being bullied through the Internet they want that person to kill themselves til the person really does it and they regret it. Bullying is like killing someone your making someone feel so bad to the point they don't wanna be on this earth.The lesson that i would take from this case is that cyberbullying is serious , people should not take it as a joke. Words do hurt and sometimes they can hurt someone to the point they don't wanna be on earth. If i was creating fake face book(s) i would stop and apologize to the people i said hurtful words to. I will tell the truth and never do that again. I will stop cyberbullying because i know its not right.
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